Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Fortunately. . . Some Tips to Make Finals Week Easier

Fortunately, the end of the quarter is near, and a break is almost upon us. It's also the time of the quarter when the campus is all a-flutter with preparations for final exams. With next week being finals week the library wants to share some study tips that were provided by our own Academic Services department.

Advice for Studying and Prepping for Finals
  • Don't put off studying for one more day. Procrastination does not prepare you for anything other than disappointment. Begin studying and preparing for your exams right now by studying your notes and other materials.
  • Study in a quiet place.
  • Make sure you are comfortable. If you are uncomfortable, then you probably won't be able to focus on studying.
  • Keep a positive attitude about what you know and about the test itself. If you doubt your abilities before the test that can affect how well you do.
  • Take some deep breaths and relax before the test so that you can be calm and your mind can be clear while taking the exam.
  • Remember how prepared you are for the exam, and don't think about how much you don't know or can't remember. You've spent a lot of time studying and preparing. You can do it.
The library staff wants to wish each of you all the best with your final papers, projects, and exams.