Friday, October 5, 2012

Banned Books Week 2012

The year 2012 marks the 30th anniversary of Banned Books Week, and the Sullivan University Library and Learning Resource Center has observed this week with a book display and several Facebook posts.

What are banned books and why is the library promoting them?

A banned book has been removed from a library because of a successful challenge against its content.

A challenged book is one in which someone attempts to have it removed from the library or restrict where it can be shelved in the library.

The librarians at Sullivan University call attention to banned books and Banned Books Week to encourage students, faculty, and staff to think critically and to celebrate the freedom to read whatever book(s) they choose.

Several banned or challenged books are available for check-out in the Sullivan University library, so stop by the library today to borrow one or two of them. Ask one of the librarians if you need help finding one of the banned or challenged books or any other titles of interest.


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