Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Getting to Know You-Connecting with the Librarians, Your Instructors, and Your Fellow Classmates

Your Sullivan Lexington librarians are:

Kandace Rogers, Library Director
Wendell Barnett, Collection Management Librarian
Hilary Writt, Reference Librarian

Our library hours are:

The Sullivan librarians want you to be a successful student, and we will help you as best as we can with your research needs.  The librarians assist students in finding books or articles for research projects, recipes, and books for their children. You can call or email us at 859-514-3359 or liblex@sullivan.edu. The library's website is: http://LexLibrary.sullivan.edu 

If you’d rather interact with us through our social media accounts, we are present on:

      Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/sulexlibrary/     

  • Be sure to reach out to your instructors. Talk with (and listen to) your instructors. They have had a variety of experiences, and you can learn a lot from them. 
  • Don’t be afraid to talk with your classmates too. Strike up a conversation with your fellow classmates, and you may learn that you all live in the same town or neighborhood and can carpool. Perhaps you and your classmates can set up a study group, or just encourage one another as you prepare for a practical exam or a tough quiz. 

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