Friday, January 18, 2008

4,700,000 Forms

That's the number of forms mailed to business across the U.S. to complete for the 2007 Economic Census. Different from the Decennial Census which counts people every 10 years, the U.S. Economic Census is conducted every 5 years on years ending in 2 and 7. Instead of counting facts about individuals, the Economic Census tabulates facts about the businesses and their expenditures and profits.

The 2007 Census marks the first time respondents will have a choice of completing a paper form or they can chose to complete an electronic form and submit data via the internet. Deadline for submission is February 12, 2008.

Curious what kind of numbers are generated by an Economic Census? Take a look at the Facts for Features list. A few examples:
  • Amount of revenue brought in per employee for gas stations with convenience stores.
  • Average annual salary per employee at movie theaters (excluding drive-ins).
  • Number of people employed in professional and semiprofessional baseball.
  • Average receipts per capita for dentists nationwide.

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